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Head Underwater

UK-based indie band Corella comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives life to the rebellious and freeing realm of "Head Underwater". With this wonderfully intoxicating mix of melodies and lyrics, we are given a chance to break free from the norm and let go of all we think we know. It's a soundscape that embraces that little voice inside your head, the one that does not like playing by the book and following rules set by others.

We all know it, we all would like to simply do as we like, speak as we like and break away from those inhibitions that hold us back. "Head Underwater" enjoys the mayhem and invites us to do so as well, at least for a little bit, singing, dancing, and finding something exciting within the corners of this world that came alive the moment you pressed play. So listen closely and dive into the unknown yet hypnotizing magic of this electrifying must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Head Underwater captures that night where you totally let go of your inhibitions. The atmosphere takes control of you and you’re living out your more rebellious alter ego that's laid dormant in your waking life, drinking and partying till late and perhaps getting up to certain things that you may well regret the next morning."


More of Corella

"Head Underwater" by Corella Music Video

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