hardwired - Gemma Hayes - Ireland - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Irish indie singer/songwriter Gemma Hayes comes to Wolf in a Suit with the gender-bending musical creation that is "Hardwired". With this beautifully intoxicating mix of melodies and lyrics we get the chance to explore a world so human, so real and so wonderfully palpable. It's a track that speaks to our senses from the moment we press play, allowing us to feel a connection not only with the artist, but to everyone else listening to this amazing soundscape.

There's something about "Hardwired" that just clicks and makes the song feel as much ours as it is hers from start to end. We can also understand what inspired this song and see that it speaks words that are not only true but so in sync with the current reality of our world. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wanted to take a musical freeze frame of the world post-Covid. A place where, according to statistics, we were more captured by our devices and social media content than ever before. We were sitting ducks for bad actors to misinform us in a way that felt like real information. A place where people became more polarised by whether they identified with left or right, pro or anti etc. The lack of nuance in these areas seemed dangerous. I felt like unplugging the world, waiting ten seconds, and plugging it back in again. And thus was born 'Hardwired'."

Gemma Hayes

More of Gemma Hayes

"Hardwired" by Gemma Hayes Music Video

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