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Harbour The Feeling

From the UK comes the absolutely amazing indie band The Mezz with their latest, say hello to the sonic realm of "Harbour The Feeling". With this refreshingly captivating and wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics, they give life to a tale so human and so inspiring. It's a soundscape that understands that at times we are held back by invisible hands that prevent us from seeing the things that matter most.

"Harbour The Feeling" is a mesmerizing indie pop anthem for the contemporary masses and one that easily speaks to the youth of today while not forgetting everyone else. It embraces the struggle and the fight that at times dwells within us all. So listen closely and fall prey to the magic and fire of this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"It's about shedding the burdens that hold you back and embracing what truly matters."

Ben from The Mezz

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