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Happy New Year

From Switzerland comes the absolutely amazing music collective known as Soft Loft with their latest sonic creation, say hello to "Happy New Year". With this wonderfully stunning and uniquely bittersweet and honest showcase of what storytelling is meant to be, they give us a world to explore and make ours. It's an unfortunate tale of the aftermath of what love was and what a breakup has now turned it into, making it a sure-to-be relatable melody.

There's something about "Happy New Year" that understands the fragile truth of our human condition and how life can take over and push us away from each other. It's an intoxicating soundscape that makes it impossible to look away as we know that what once was, is now over and sadly, there's no going back. So listen closely and embrace the taste of this magic and raw exploration of the heart and soul that is part of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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