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Great Nothing

From the UK comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter Eden Rain and she comes to us with the tale of "Great Nothing". With this wonderfully inviting and relatable showcase of feelings and emotions she explores the aftermath of a confession that unfortunately did not land on the right ears. It embraces that awkwardness that arises after something is said, but it's not reciprocal, and what was cannot be had anymore, and what was hoped, will not be.

"Great Nothing" knows that unfortunately there's no turning back at times and with things said, the relationship takes a sour turn that pushes people away. It's not an angry song, but a song that would have preferred to keep the friendship, but understands that it's not that simple and feelings are hurt and these can be the catalysts for a goodbye. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within this hypnotizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I wrote Great Nothing, about the rise and fall of a frienduationship - which is a word I’ve (maybe?) made up to describe the experience of a friend confess feelings for you and everything gets all weird and messy and tangly. I feel like when Conway and I wrote this song it was like putting all my frustrations of every friendship that went off-piste or person I had liked that hadn’t liked me back, or had but at the wrong time, into a meat grinder and … out came Great Nothing.

It’s like the opposite of a great love, it's the mourning of the potential of a relationship and the confusion and the angst to put everything back where it was.. and all the sinking feelings that come with it.”

Eden Rain

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