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From the UK comes the amazing indie singer/songwriter Leona Rue with her latest musical creation, the insightful and personal tale of "Graceful". With this wonderfully honest and relatable showcase of feelings and emotions we are given a chance to explore a world so hers, yet it manages to feel ours along the way. It's a track that understands that the relationships with ourselves and our parents are not always as simple as they are painted to be, sometimes it's us, sometimes it's them, and sometimes it's both sides not listening.

"Graceful" embraces these ups and down that are part of growing, it understands that these moments are needed to understand and appreciate not only ourselves but our parents. It's a refreshingly magical showcase of vulnerability and raw humanity that is always amazing to find for it embraces our senses with such ease. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet caress of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Graceful’ is about the complicated relationship you have with yourself growing up, and also that with your parents. Finding reasons to blame them for why you turned out the way you did ; for me in this song it’s more literal, about feeling messy, clumsy and ungraceful as well as struggling to say the things I really mean.“

Leona Rue

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