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Good Vibrations

From Austin, TX comes the fantastic indie duo MISSIO and with them comes the enticing sonic creation that is "Good Vibrations". With this exhilarating mix of melodies and lyrics they grab a hold of us and give our imagination a much needed dose of freedom and joy. The track caresses our senses and instantly pulls us in to be part of it from start to end, needing and wanting more and more of it.

There's no escaping the captivating charm of the world that dwells within "Good Vibrations" and in all honesty, why would you want to run from it. This soundscape knows how to speak to us and really give us a place to escape from the holds and the rules that the world tends to bring to us. This is an absolutely exciting and fun must-listen gem that has it all to become a fan favorite. So listen closely and embrace the magic of this musical realm that has been crafted by this uber-talented pair. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of MISSIO

"Good Vibrations" Music Video