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From the US comes the absolutely amazing indie band Neoni with a fantastic musical creation, say hello to the tale of "FUNERAL". With a refreshingly honest and raw approach to storytelling, they open up their hearts and souls and invite us to explore how much of ourselves we can find within this song. It's a track that embraces the reality of life with unique eyes, discussing how growing up can lead to moments in which we let parts of ourselves die as we "mature", "evolve" and the image of who we are becomes clearer.

There's something about "FUNERAL" that is sure to click with anyone who listens, for the lyrics understand life in a way that is quite dark yet also real and relatable from start to end. It's a unique path that knows how to make us feel at ease, letting it come alive with such vivid and lush charm. So listen closely and dive into the world of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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