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Frozen in Time

From Germany comes the always amazing indie band Roast Apple, and this time around they arrive to us with the inviting sound of "Frozen in Time". With this wonderfully intoxicating mix of melodies and lyrics they invite us to sing, to dance and to connect with a tale so human and so subtly raw. It's a song that makes you feel as if you were part of some fantasy, but once you listen to the verses you realize that it's quite palpable and real.

There's something about "Frozen in Time" that is just so infectious and hypnotizing, pulling you from the moment you press play, feeling so yours from start to end. It's a soundscape that understands the ways in which to not only get your senses hooked, but your heart, mind and soul as well. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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