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Frame It

Editor's Notes Electrifying and raw blend of melodies and lyrics that are sure to speak to us all.

From the Isle of Man comes the fantastic musical collective HIGHWAYVES and their latest musical creation, say hello to "Frame It". With this exquisite and in your face blend of melodies and lyrics they give us the fire of rock plus the beauty of storytelling. The track grabs you from the moment you press play and does not let go even after its over, for it invites you back for more.

There's a magnetic pull that comes from this soundscape that makes it so intoxicating, so powerful and so perfectly hypnotizing that you can't help but want more and more of it. Plus I loved the way in which the verses came together because they are so relatable and so human, walking away from fantasies into realm that could be as much ours as theirs.

"Frame It" is what indie rock deserves and not only that, but it's a great way to get hooked by the sounds of this talented collective. So listen closely and fall prey to the electric touch of the must-listen gem that is this song. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE