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Flat 23

Editor's Notes Melancholic soundscape that caresses our senses and speaks to our souls.

UK-based indie artist CALL ME DIO comes to Wolf in a Suit with a down-to-earth sonic creation that is "Flat 23". With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics he gives life to an anthemic musical creation that invites us to connect. The track caresses our senses as it speaks of moments that are so human, so real and so easy to relate with.

There's an understanding of the fragile nature of our existence in a way that is bittersweet yet strangely soothing and hypnotizing. Vocally the track excels as it embraces us with full knowledge that this story could easily be as much ours as it is his. Plus, the instrumental arrangement perfectly houses the vocals, ensuring the story really shines through.

So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within the melancholic magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy the adventure and storytelling that makes "Flat 23" so special!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE


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