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From the UK comes a really exciting flavor of indie rock, courtesy of the amazing indie band BONES UK and their latest release, “Fix”. With this refreshingly rebellious and in-your-face mix of melodies and lyrics we are invited to sing, to dance and to break free from all we think holds us back. It’s a song that hits the spot from the moment you press play, turning anyone and everyone into fans of this intoxicating sound.

There’s something so special and freeing about “Fix” that just grabs hold of you and never lets go, bringing you back over and over again. This is one of those songs that you can’t just listen to once, because it begs to be explored as many times as you physically can. Listen, smile, sing and enjoy the ride that awaits you within this riveting must-listen gem!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of BONES UK

"Fix" by BONES UK Music Video

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