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Figure It Out

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Eden Rain is always a sure choice when you want something amazing, and “Figure It Out” is further proof of this. Her voice is perfection and guides us through this reality she has crafted with such care and honest emotions. It’s a track that embraces us whole and invites us to explore with open eyes and open hearts for it is sure to click with more than a few as it all takes shape and form.

There’s no denying that “Figure It Out” is not only quite raw, but so refreshingly palpable and human, speaking to our hearts and souls from start to end. It’s a soundscape that understands that we need something real to allow music to only feel like the artist’s but ours as well. So, listen closely and fall prey to the sweet fire of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Explore and enjoy the world of "Figure It Out"!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“We started writing this song on the last day of a writing trip with two of my favourite writers, Jack and Conway. It was honestly a fever dream—just us throwing out stupid lyrics and ideas we hadn’t been brave enough to use in the other songs we wrote that week. Looking back, I think I put some really raw feelings into this song because I didn’t actually think we’d release it. But it’s stuck with me since January, and it’s such a messy, drunken rant. It captures that feeling of being in a fight and saying things just to hurt the other person, even if you don’t mean them.

I see this song as the ultimate drunken night out anthem. I hope it’s playing in a late-night kebab shop somewhere, the soundtrack to someone dropping their cheesy chips on the floor."

Eden Rain about "Figure It Out"

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