everything - Alex Rv Phillips - united kingdom - uk - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - indie blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


From the UK comes the absolutely amazing Alex Rv Phillips and he does so with the beautifully crafted tale that is "Everything". With this track he opens up his heart and soul to share a road that is not easy to follow but one that must be walked, for it's necessary in order to move forward, and that is the road to healing and letting go. This soundscape understands that we should not keep anger or sadness in our hearts when it comes to past relationships, let's take the good, learn from the bad and move forward, hoping to become better versions of ourselves along the way.

"Everything" embraces our senses with such warmth and understanding of the fragile nature of the human condition in a way that invites us to open up and be vulnerable. It speaks with words that are sure to resonate and pulls us to go along and walked this path as the song comes alive and gives us a chance to heal as well. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of the must-listen gem that is "Everything". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Alex Rv Phillips

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