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From Japan we get another pleasant sonic surprise, this time around let’s say hello to VIVARUSH and their latest single, “EMPEROR TIME”. With this track we get another welcomed dose of the energy, the passion and the unique magical push that appears so naturally in the Japanese music scene. It’s a song that hits the spot so easily and so instantly, pulling us in as it allows us to break free from all the rules we think we know, in order to simply smile and have one hell of a good time.

With “EMPEROR TIME” this amazing band comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time, but here’s to hoping that we get to hear more of them in these lands in the future. It’s a perfect way to make an entrance into our lives and invite us into the epic reality that makes it up. So, listen closely and fall prey to the fire of this intoxicating must-listen gem.

The song can also be heard as the Intro to the anime: ‘TASUKETSU – Fate of the Majority’

To listen on Apple Music click HERE


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