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Emotional Damage

US-based indie artist DUUNES comes to Wolf in a Suit once and gives us a chance to explore the sonic reality of "Emotional Damage". With this wonderfully honest and raw showcase of feelings and emotions he invites us to be part of a tale so human and so refreshingly palpable. It's a track that understands that we are fragile and complex creatures, no one is all good and no one is all bad, we are made of experiences that range from the best to the worst.

There's something quite intoxicating and relatable about the way in which the verses flow and become one with the airwaves that surround us. "Emotional Damage" is a perfect blend of melodies and lyrics, that embraces the entirety of our senses with such welcomed passion and warmth. So listen closely and explore it whole, finding in every corner a reason to label this as an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“It’s about finding beauty in dark places and the complexities that come with undressing your partner’s troubled past.”

Harrison Cohen aka DUUNES

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"Emotional Damage" by DUUNES Music Video

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