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From Austin, TX comes the fantastic indie duo MISSIO and they do so with another musical masterpiece, say hello to "Easy". With this track, they give us a world that caresses our senses and invites us to let go of all our worries and simply enjoy the ride that it has to offer. The soundscape flows with natural charm, playing with our imagination and letting us feel relaxed and full of bliss.

There's something about this track that just hits the spot from start to end, giving us a welcomed changed of pace that is quite exciting and hypnotizing. It reminds us that life has moments that are meant to be enjoyed and appreciated, for they are so precious and full of a unique dose of magic. So come with me, listen closely and fall prey to the sweet ambrosia found within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“We all experience those moments where life can feel so good that it makes time temporarily stop for us. Maybe it’s the first time you look your partner in the eyes in the morning. Maybe it’s playing in the park with your children or your dogs. Or maybe it’s the meditative practice of lighting up a joint after a long day of work while overlooking a sunset. Whatever it is, we hope that you find that thing that makes you feel Easy, Easy, Easy,”


More of MISSIO

"Easy" Lyric Video
