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Easy Kill

From the UK comes a band bound for greatness in my book, say hello to China Bears and their latest release, the inspiring "Easy Kill". With this track, they land on the humble realm of the Wolf in a Suit for the first time, and they make an immediate splash for this is gold. This song embraces you whole and speaks to your senses in such a raw and honest way that you can't help but fall in love with it from the moment it begins. It's a tale that embraces the fragile and vulnerable truth behind the human condition and how its required to build meaningful relationships.

There's something about "Easy Kill" that just made feel understood, as if these verses were always meant for me, and I am sure you'll feel the same way after you press play. So listen closely and let go of all that you back and simply dive into the unknown yet hypnotizing world of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'Easy Kill' is a song about the initial hesitance that sometimes comes when letting others in, but ultimately celebrating vulnerability and being truly open around the people you care about.

To love and be loved by someone can put you in a terrifyingly defenseless place. 'Easy Kill' challenges that feeling, that it is in fact a beautiful experience when two people feel so connected and close to one another, so much so that they’re both willing to risk enduring the pain that may come with the absence from one another."

Ivan of China Bears

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"Easy Kill" by China Bears Music Video

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