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Dunn Gardens

US-based indie singer/songwriter Avery Cochrane opens up her heart and soul to give life to the bittersweet realm of "Dunn Gardens". With this refreshingly and personal blend of melodies and lyrics, she allows us meet not only the person but the person behind this powerful track. It's a story of growing up and finding that love, life and relationships are not as simple as they were sold to you when you were a child.

"Dunn Gardens" offers all a chance to connect and see the ups and downs that were part of growing up and appreciate them from a different angle. It does not mean it's all beautiful and absolutely wonderful, but simply part of your path in life and part of you, all the good and all the bad. So listen closely and embrace this welcomed dose of honest and fragile humanity that makes this song an absolute must for any music lover. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Avery Cochrane