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Dream in Colour

Editor's Notes Absolutely electrifying and inspiring blend of melodies and lyrics.

UK-based indie band The Manatees comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they deliver the sonic adventure that is "Dream in Colour". With this stunning and inspiring blend of melodies and lyrics they speak of the fight between reality and fantasy and how sometimes one is much brighter than the other. The track is honest and quite easily relatable for it understands that sometimes aspirations and dreams don't seem to fully align with what life is serving up making it a bit hard to accept.

"Dream in Colour" is a powerful soundscape that pulls you in from the moment you press play and fills you with a fire that will never stop burning. There's something about this song that just connects and hits the spot for more than a few listeners. So dive into this reality and find a bit of yourself within it's confines and fall prey to this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"The title track, ‘Dream in Colour’, is about our aspirations undermining our reality. Life can feel grey compared to the vibrant fantasies we play out in our heads. As a group we’re fairly sensitive to this, desperate to escape conventional living.

It was the first track we wrote for the EP, very much acting as the catalyst for the rest of the project. We changed the pallet of the band a lot with this record, using vocoders, drum samples and whacky synthesisers for the first time. They turned out to be elements that would shape the entire EP."

The Manatees

More of The Manatees