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Don’t Talk

Editor's Notes A unique blend of intoxicating sounds and rebellious yet honest lyrics.

The uber-talented and amazing indie singer/songwriter Cheska Moore comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives us the tale of "Don't Talk". With this rebellious and in-your-face mix of melodies and lyrics she explores a truth that we don't like to accept as much but let's be fair, it's out there. The track understands that there are times in which we know we are part of something toxic yet we crave it so much that we don't mind (at least for a while).

The soundscape comes alive from the moment you press play, caressing your senses and pulling you in to be part of something exciting and quite vivid. "Don't Talk" is a passionate and intoxicating adventure through the inner-works of a toxic relationship of your own making. So listen closely and find bits and pieces of you (maybe present, maybe future, maybe past...but a bit of you) waiting within the confines of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Cheska Moore