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UK-based indie singer/songwriter Garvie comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives life to the sonic realm of "Default". With this refreshingly catchy and playful blend of melodies and lyrics, he invites us into a place unknown yet bound to feel familiar as it all takes shape and form. It's a track that knows how to balance the instruments and vocals, allowing everything to become one and really connect the dots, making it a great addition to any playlist.

There's something about "Default" that just hits the spot from the moment you press play, bringing you in and letting you know it's ok to explore. It's a soundscape that embraces the ups and downs of life and relationships in a way so unique and so hypnotizing from start to end. So listen closely and pay attention because you are sure to find bits and pieces of yourself within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I like to make music that nods to the past in a fun way whilst sounding modern at the same time. While it’s fairly tongue-in-cheek lyrically, Default is ultimately about feeling obsolete and replace-able in a relationship, which is why it uses quite a lot of computer-based references. It’s also got a lot of parallels with all of the recent developments in AI, which have definitely made me feel like I might be obsolete soon as a human artist!”


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