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The fantastic indie singer/songwriter Ben Freeman comes to us once more and gives us the pleasure of explore the world of "Curiosity". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, we are given the chance to be part of a story so human, so real and so beautifully his and ours as well. He paints a picture that understands that life and romance can't be controlled and sometimes they hit us when we least expected, on the times we didn't know we needed.

It's a tale that knows that sometimes we feel we've met the right person, but they are missing something, and the title seems to offer the answer, for they need to want to explore a world beyond the norm along with you. There's something about "Curiosity" that I am sure will hit close to home for more than a few listeners, for it speaks words that are true and quite palpable. This soundscape invites us in and knows that we will find bits and pieces of ourselves within it.

So listen closely and embrace this warmth, this nostalgic feeling and the beauty of hope that dwells within it for it has it all to be a fan favorite. Enjoy the ride and embrace the vivid and cinematic charm of the contemporary must-listen gem that is "Curiosity".

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Ben Freeman