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Crying In The Taxi

From Belgium comes the exciting up-and-coming artist Margo Raats and she comes to us with the bittersweet yet inspiring tale of "Crying In The Taxi". With this track she opens up her heart and soul and invites us to do the same along the way. It's a track that embraces the beauty in crying and understands that it's not only a show of sadness, but a way to break free and realize that life has so much to offer.

"Crying In The Taxi" is a wonderfully poetic soundscape that knows the way in which to speak to our senses and let our imagination be wild and free. So listen closely and let yourself be pulled by the energy, the passion and unique unknown that resides within this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Love makes me cry, in a way it also tells me I’m alive. I wanted crying in the taxi to be a celebration of crying and leaning in, that’s our duty on this earth to lean In. I wanted to be able to dance to the sound of letting go."

Margo Raats

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