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The always brilliant indie singer/songwriter Eden Rain comes to Wolf in a Suit and she delivers gold, courtesy of the soundscape known as “Crashmat”. With this wonderfully intoxicating and honest blend of melodies and lyrics we are invited to open up our hearts and souls and see within this reality that she has crafted with such care and down-to-earth storytelling. It’s a song that embraces your senses with such gentle and warm caressing, allowing us to feel it ours from the moment we press play.

“Crashmat” is another fantastic addition to her ever-growing body of work and serves as a reminder of that there’s so much talent out in the world waiting for us to find it. So, give yourself a chance to taste the sweet nectar of musical ambrosia and put on your headphones, close your eyes, and simply dive into the world within this exciting must-listen gem. Enjoy!

More of Eden Rain

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