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Colors and Shapes

Editor's Notes Classic and contemporary soundscape that caresses your senses from start to end.

US-based indie rock band Chanteclaire comes to Wolf in a Suit with the hypnotizing and playful sonic escapade that is "Colors and Shapes". With this stunning and freeing blend of melodies and lyrics they invite us to not only listen, but to also dance, sing and have one-hell of a good time. The track manages to fully connect the instrumental and vocal sides into one, giving music lovers a world to explore.

There's something about the song that just knows how to speak to you as it paints a picture so surreal yet so palpable and vivid. "Colors and Shapes" embraces our senses and gives our imagination a reason to run wild and free as it all comes alive. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Chanteclaire