coastguard - Tommy Ashby - united kingdom - uk - indie - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


From the UK comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter Tommy Ashby and he does so, with the inviting reality of “Coastguard”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions, he gives life to a reality so vivid and lush, that you feel it yours from the moment you press play. There’s something about this track that just understands how to truly embrace what dwells within your heart and soul with tender and honest naturality.

“Coastguard” is the latest showcase of talent and magic that this brilliant artist has given us music lovers to enjoy and explore. There’ no denying it, this is a special track as it offers us a door to open and break free and see the fragile nature of our humanity from a different angle. Listen closely and enjoy the sweet caress of this amazing must-listen gem.

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