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From the US comes the absolutely amazing indie band Ayla Ray with their latest musical creation, say hello to "Chartreuse". With this exquisite and uniquely rebellious and in your face mix of melodies and lyrics they come to us and invite us to explore a world unknown yet so magnetic. It's a soundscape that manages to get us hooked from the moment we press play, allowing us to be part of an absolutely memorable experience.

"Chartreuse" is raw and uniquely intoxicating soundscape that gives the rock genre a push towards something amazing and truly exhilarating for all music lovers. It's a song that knows how to embrace the beauty of other genres (pop and electronica) while staying true to electrifying and mesmerizing nature of rock from start to end. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet fire that burns within the confines of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Ayla Ray

"Chartreuse" Music Video

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