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By the time you hear this

Editor's Notes Ethereal and captivating blend of melodies and lyrics coming to us from Norway.

Norwegian indie artist Tuvaband plays with concept of time and the values it has with her sonic creation that is "By the time you hear this". This haunting and ethereal blend of melodies and lyrics came into fruition in the pandemic and once you hear it you can notice the inspiration of that moment. The track flows with a surreal ease that caresses your senses and invites you to explore the unknown yet familiar story. Her voice guides through this realm, letting us known it's ok to feel a connection.

There's something quite unique about this soundscape that simply knows how to speak to our hearts and souls from start to end. "By the time you hear this" is a marvelous one-of-a-kind song that easily earns the label of must-listen gem and a place in your playlist. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within these verses. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Tuvaband