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Breathe Again ft. Yung’cid

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Jonah Michael comes to Wolf in a Suit with the company of Yung'cid and together they give life to "Breathe Again". With this refreshingly raw and in-your-face mix of melodies and lyrics, they speak to our hearts and souls with such blazing passion that you can't help but need and want more and more of it. It's a soundscape that embraces your senses whole from the moment you press play, pulling you in as it lets you see bits and pieces of yourself.

"Breathe Again" is a powerful showcase of feelings and emotions that is sure to get you hooked from the moment you press play and beyond. There's no denying that this song is special and understands the ways in which to speak to our hearts and souls, allowing us to connect in an instant. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet fire and honest emotion of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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