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Blueberry Season

From the US comes the always amazing Cate Tomlinson with her latest musical creation, say hello to "Blueberry Season". With this refreshingly personal and honest showcase of feelings and emotions, she gives life to a tale so human, so hers and so uniquely ours as well. Not only that, but as the song progresses we realize that it's not your typical tale, it's an anthem for all who listen, one that speaks loud and clear from start to end.

The realm of "Blueberry Season" is wonderfully cinematic and lush, pulling us in and letting us see that life comes in seasons and nothing is forever and we can always grow from what was. It's a powerful blend of melodies and lyrics that speaks from the heart and knows exactly how to connect with ours with such natural charm. So listen closely and pay attention, for the lesson here it not just for her but for all of us. Enjoy the relatable and mesmerizing magic of this contemporary must-listen gem.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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