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Blank Stare

Editor's Notes Classic meets contemporary giving life to this fantastic soundscape.

From Austin, Texas comes the indie rock band The Mammoths with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is "Blank Stare". With this refreshing and inviting soundscape, they give life to a musical realm that feels both classic and modern. They caress our senses with a subtle otherworldly touch that pulls us into this unknown story, sure to get us hooked. The song flows with ease, letting us know that it's ok to be in awe of the one-of-a-kind magic that lies within it.

There's something about "Blank Stare" that makes it a great addition to any playlist and a fantastic adventure for all music lovers to have. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of The Mammoths