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Editor's Notes Honest and bittersweet soundscape that invites to see past relationships with other eyes.

From Belgium comes to uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Ben Wolf and this time around he delivers the honest tale of "Bitter". With this refreshing and mature blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a tale that explores what it means to see someone who meant so much after some time. He embraces the fact that not all relationships follow the fairytale idea that they are meant to be forever, but the fact it ended, doesn't mean there has to be hate or sadness. He understands this and lets the other side know that there are no hard feelings, because that moment shared was theirs and theirs alone and now they are writing stories alone or with others.

"Bitter" is a beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that really connects as it invites us to pay careful attention and draw inspiration from it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of magic that makes this wonderful track an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Ben Wolf