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better than home

Editor's Notes A wonderful catchy and cathartic blend of melodies and lyrics.

From New Zealand comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Taylor Roche with the insightful sonic creation that is "better than home". With this refreshingly honest and captivating blend of melodies and lyrics, he explores that realization that came to many people's minds. That need to escape, to run away and to be as far as possible from your home after having to be in it for a few years as the pandemic took over the world.

There's something quite relatable about the way in which the soundscape unfolds that just pulls us in and lets us know that we are not alone in the need to get out. The musical realm of "better than home" understands this as not hating the place you call home, but about needing to get out and see what has changed and sort of let go of that security that was part of our daily lives. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“When the world opened back up in 2022, I was desperate to leave again as it felt like everyone around me was going off and chasing their dreams. It triggered an insecure attachment to the idea that I wanted to be something more than what I was, in my career and in life. Writing this song sort of released me from those thoughts.”

Taylor Roche about "better than home"

More of Taylor Roche