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Better Alone

Editor's Notes A wonderfully bittersweet and honest blend of melodies and lyrics.

Uber-talented US-based indie singer/songwriter Dylan Dunlap comes to us once more and gives life to the sonic creation that is "Better Alone". With a refreshing blend of sadness and hope, he explores the strange realm of loneliness in a way that is quite unique and inviting. He understands that it isn't a nice place to be, but at times it can provide so much peace and a chance to fall back in love with ourselves.

The song embraces the beauty of being alone, knowing that we can find healing from the pain that at times life serves to us. "Better Alone" knows that this time is precious and can be part of our growth, for it lets us see our actions from another angle and realize if we were as right as we thought or as wrong as we were made to believe. So listen closely and find a much needed dose of escapism and honesty within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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