altitude - Elliot Moss - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A uniquely haunting and honest blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Elliot Moss comes to Wolf in a Suit with the insightful sonic creation that is "Altitude". With this fantastic and ethereal blend of melodies and lyrics he opens up his heart and soul to share something so personal and so raw. The track caresses your senses and with a subtle yet firm grasp manages to pull you in so that you can feel part of this story.

There's something about "Altitude" that just connects the dots, painting a picture so palpable, so vivid and so beautifully fragile and human. The soundscape has everything to be a fan favorite as it offers a distinct route that is more honest and down-to-earth than most. So listen closely and fall prey to the unique magical touch of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"It's about a feeling – like coasting, floating, or sliding... I've dealt with depression for fifteen years, and there's some argument for pushing back at the darkest points. But there's also this bliss to letting go of your footing. This dreamy concentration comes wrapped around sorrow... 'Altitude' describes a place I never like to be. But that place can come with a unique directness to my quieter half. So I'm grateful for it, too."

Elliot Moss about "Altitude"

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