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All That You Made Me

From the UK comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter Banners and he does so with the inspiring caress of "All That You Made Me". With this wonderful blend of melodies and lyrics he gives us a chance to not only listen, but be inspired by this wonderfully crafted soundscape. It invites us to realize that we are not where we are without those who have been there to hold our hand, to pick us, to whisper sweet words, to smile at us and to simply be there even if its in silence, jut listening.

There's something quite special about "All That You Made Me" that understands how to caress our hearts and souls with such warmth and natural ease. It's a track that embraces the beauty of life and allows us to see past the grey skies that seem to be part of our world nowadays. So listen closely and close your eyes and ask yourself, who comes to mind as the verses become one with the airwaves around you. Enjoy the magic of this must-listen gem!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

 “No one is anyone without other people. This is a song for the people that make you who you are. As a British lad, I find it a bit hard to tell people how much I care about them, so this is my way of doing it. I recorded this in one take which is a fun experience. You get to about 30 seconds from the end, realise you haven't messed it up yet, and that's when the urge to really ruin it kicks in. I really like this performance, it feels really honest.” 

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