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Editor's Notes Mesmerizing and refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics that invite us to look within and talk to our younger selves.

Two amazing and uber-talented artists join forces to give life a one-of-a-kind sonic escapade, say hello to "Afterglow" by Portair and WYNNE. With this honest and beautiful blend of melodies and lyrics, this collaboration places itself in what can only be thought of by the music goddess. The track is absolutely marvelous and embraces us in a way that feels warm, inviting and true as it caresses our senses and speaks to our hearts.

These two LA-based artist (one from Australia, the other from the UK) come together in a magical way that makes the soundscape not only unique but inspiring and pure. They invite us to reminisce and speak to our younger selves as we realize that we still have many wonderful years ahead of us as we grow. "Afterglow" is not just a song, but an experience, an adventure and an absolute must-listen gem for all music lovers. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this fantastic musical creation. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

It’s a love letter to my younger self. I turned 30 this year. You’re as young as you feel, but the period from 18-24 was very definitive. It was some of the best and worst years of my life. So, ‘Afterglow’ is about accepting that those years are over and I have some of the best years ahead of me. I’m not just living in the afterglow.”


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