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EP Review: ‘Questions’ by Roses & Revolutions

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More of Roses & Revolutions

Personal Favorite

*“Seasons” (Track 3/ 1:38)

*“You and Me” (Track 5/ 3:28)

‘Questions’ by Roses & Revolutions

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

US-based indie band Roses & Revolutions comes to Wolf in a Suit with the marvelous body of work that is the ‘Questions’ EP. With this amazing collection of stories and sounds, they give life to something quite special and inviting from start to ed. It’s an EP that understands that our emotions need to be stirred in order for us to feel a proper connection with the songs they’ve crafted.

The ‘Questions’ EP does not settle on one topic but instead invites to open up our hearts and souls and see that life is being showcased. It’s an amazing EP that embraces us whole and knows that there is a special power in music that can transport us, heal us and give us something to feel ours from start to end. It’s a body of work that deserves to be part of as many digital collections of music as possible.

From this EP, there were 2 songs that stood out a bit more for me than the rest, and they were: “Seasons” and “You and Me”

The first understood that life and love don’t always go the way we want it to be, but accepting this is part of the adventure. It knows that time can heal it all and as the seasons change, so do we, growing and learning from all that once was. While the second, seems to give us the perfect title for a love ballad, but instead gives us a dose of heartbreak served in such mature and honest fashion. It accepts that what was once one is now two once more, letting us see that goodbye is what comes next.

Listen closely and let of all you know and I think you can stop reading now, just dive into the many realities that call the ‘Questions’ EP home. Enjoy the sweet caress and gentle touch of these amazing must-listen gems!

Location: USA

Genre: Indie Pop

To Buy/Stream EP click HERE
