More of Wingtip
Personal Favorite
*”Boyfriend” (Track 2/2:36)
*”Nothing to lose” (Track 4/2:40)
“Laughter from the Other Room is the second part of a two EP series that tracks my life over a year. I wrote all of both EPs over the course of the beginning, middle, and end of a relationship, and so the order of the songs pretty naturally mirrors the ups and downs of that.”
‘Laughter from the Other Room’ by Wingtip
The absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Wingtip comes to Wolf in a Suit with his latest body of work, say hello to the ‘Laughter From The Other Room’ EP. With this EP we get a chance to be part of stories that are bound to speak to our hearts and souls in a manner so raw and so honest. They embrace the fragile nature of our human heart in a way that makes us feel an instant connection with all that transpires within them.
Each track has the capacity to stand on its own and really pull you in to become as much yours as it is his. They embrace the bittersweet realization that love comes with ups and downs and sometimes an ending is waiting once all the cards are settled in their rightful place. ‘Laughter From The Other Room‘ brings all the varied feelings and emotions together, letting love make itself present reminding us that we are allowed to see all the colors that come with it. It’s a beautifully poetic body of work that is sure to connect quite deeply with more than a few listeners.
While all the track are fantastic, I had two favorites, “Boyfriend” and “Nothing to lose”, why? I don’t know, they just got me hooked a little bit faster than the rest. They speak with words that are palpable and refreshingly real from start to end. There’s also a sense of hope, but yet you know that more than likely that boat has already taken a different course and you are no longer the port, and still you find it hard to let go. So listen closely for I am sure there’s a track for you within the worlds that await us within the ‘Laughter from the Other Room’ EP. Enjoy!

Location: USA
Genre: Indie Pop
To Buy/Stream EP click HERE
“The songs on this EP are about confusion and mixed feelings – wanting to be with someone but not ‘with’ them, wondering how long they’ve been wanting to end things, moving on from someone but still seeing them everywhere. The title is a reference to feeling apart of something but not inside it anymore, something I’ve felt a lot this year.”