Indie Pop

Listen: “Hurt U” by Emi Jeen

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“Hurt U” by Emi Jeen

Canadian indie singer/songwriter Emi Jeen comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and delivers the sonic creation that is “Hurt U”. With this honest and retrospective blend of melodies and lyrics, she offers us a different side, a much needed side, a side that showcases the one in the wrong asking for a chance. The approach taken by the blend of verses and melodies makes this song a bittersweet tale that speaks to us as it aims to show the fragile nature of love and humanity in one story. Her voice understands the anger, the sadness and all the feelings and emotions that appear in this situation, making this story quite hypnotizing from start to end.

She does not aim to put the blame on the other side but instead understands the wrong done and how this is part of what she has done in this relationship. The soundscape is a welcomed remainder to look within and really aim to see and acknowledge what needs to be done for yourself and those you love if your aim is to move forward together. So listen closely and fall prey to the mesmerizing true of the must-listen gem that is “Hurt U”. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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