Indie Rock

Listen: “Space Between” by Lone Wild

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“Space Between” by Lone Wild

Once again, we have the pleasure and honor to explore a soundscape provided the uber-talented Lone Wild, say hello to “Space Between”. With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, we get a taste of what rock can do when given free reign to just create. The track flows with ease and in an instant caresses your senses as it pulls you in and whispers in your ear, to be free and find a bit of yourself in it. The soundscape is playfully seductive and mesmerizing, playing with your imagination and putting a smile in your face.

There’s no denying that this track truly has what every music lover needs and wants from music nowadays. So listen closely and just dive into the unknown magical reality of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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