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Listen: “Lessons” by Aaron Bear

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“Lessons” by Aaron Bear

US-based indie singer/songwriter Aaron Bear comes to Wolf in a Suit with the honest and relatable sonic creation that is “Lessons”. With this refreshingly raw and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics, he invites us to explore a world so personal to him yet so inviting and universal. The track flows with ease and manages to caress your senses and make you feel at ease from start to end. There’s no denying that this soundscape is not only special but quite inspiring and charming, for it does not give us fantasy, but instead speaks from what life has given the artist.

“Lessons” is without a shadow of a doubt a fantastic addition to the ever-growing musical recommendations of the Wolf in a Suit and a great addition for any playlist. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“Fear holds me back from being the fullest version of myself. I think we all struggle with this in some way or another. I doubt myself, and I let my fearful mind hijack my actions. But this song is about dropping that doubt. Releasing what no longer serves us and living life fully.” 

Aaron Bear

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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