Indie Pop

Listen: “Fuck it, He Makes Me Nervous” by Georgia Parker

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“Fuck it, He Makes Me Nervous” by Georgia Parker

From the UK comes the absolutely amazing and talented Georgia Parker with the honest and relatable sonic creation that is “Fuck It, He Makes Me Nervous”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions, the singer/songwriter gives life to a tale that explores what it means to have a crush. It explores the weird moment it first happens and you don’t exactly what it means and then you realize that what you are feeling is connected to your heart. It’s a special song that will make you smile, sing and simply embrace the sweet warmth and beauty that lies within it.

There’s something about “Fuck It, He Makes Me Nervous” that just puts you in a good mood as it reminds you of those moments in which you had a crush on someone or maybe you are crushing right now. So listen closely and let your imagination become one with the verses that give life to this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“The song bounces between styles– beginning as sort of a glitchy pop tune, before moving into more indie rock chorus. The second verse has a sillier, country, Americana injection– acoustic guitar, banjo. We also recorded ourselves playing patty cake to the rhythm of this part of the song, we did this to highlight the nervous, almost childlike feeling of having a crush.”

Georgia Parker

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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