Indie Pop

Listen: “Go” by Kelsey Coockson

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“Go” by Kelsey Coockson

From the Netherlands comes the always amazing and absolutely talented Kelsey Coockson with her latest track, say hello to “Go”. With this refreshing, playful and rebellious blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a track sure to pull you in an instant. The track unfolds quite naturally into the airwaves that surround us and from the first second just hits so right. The soundscapes flows with ease, caressing our senses and connecting with us as it invites us to not only listen but to also be part of it as we sing and dance.

There’s something about this song that just shines through from start to end, making this a perfect addition to any playlist. So listen closely and embark on the musical adventure that awaits you within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy the magic of “Go”!

Location: Netherlands

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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