Indie Pop

Listen: “Restons amis” by Petit Nuage

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“Restons amis” by Petit Nuage

French indie singer/songwriter/force of nature Petit Nuage comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet sonic tale of “Restons amis”. The first thing I did after listening to this masterpiece was look for the translation of the title and that’s when the dagger showed itself to me, for it means “Let’s Stay Friends”. The track explores the harsh reality of the end of a relationship that was so powerful and meaningful that seeing it end breaks you quite a bit. The playful nature of the instrumental arrangement gives the verses a better chance to really shine.

He hits us with a left and right hook that leaves on the ground begging for more of the bittersweet caress of the feelings and emotions that call this soundscape home. There’s no denying that language is but a flimsy barrier here as he embraces the song in a way that just speaks to us and pulls us in from start to end. So listen closely and explore the realm that awaits within the exciting and intoxicating must-listen gem that is “Restons amis”. Enjoy!

Location: France

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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