Indie Pop

Listen: “GRACIE” by Gabe James

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“GRACIE” by Gabe James

Talented indie singer/songwriter Gabe James crafted a wonderful and down to earth track, say hello to “GRACIE”. With this refreshing and honest showcase of feelings and emotions he gives us a bit of everything as he explores romance, being young, growing up and how it all connects. There’s something about his voice that makes this tale feel so easy to follow as it invites us to be part of it and find a bit of ourselves within it. The soundscape flows with a natural ease that leads to want to sing along to it as the verses come through one after the other, caressing our senses and our imagination.

This track is one of those that knows how to give us a bit of peace and a story to be root for. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this fantastic musical creation. Enjoy the world inside the soundscape of “GRACIE”!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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