Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “Sober” by Emiliano Ortiz

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“Sober” by Emiliano Ortiz

New York city native indie singer/songwriter Emiliano Ortiz comes to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic creation that is “Sober”. With this stunning mix of melodies and lyrics he explores the ups and downs of drinking along with what seems to be a toxic relationships that pulls you in and pushes you out. The approach taken with the arrangement allows the vocals to embrace the full extent of what the verses are trying to say in a way that is quite mesmerizing and captivating. He understands how to connect the dots and allow the soundscape to not only hit the spot in a musical sense but also in a very human setting.

There’s something about this soundscape that just knows how to get us hooked and invested in the tale that dwells within it from start to end. So listen closely and fall prey to the magic and honest storytelling of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Emiliano Ortiz