Indie Rock Videos Video

Music Video: “Unwired” by lotusbliss

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“Unwired” by lotusbliss

The UK is giving us some fantastic tracks today and last but not least from the group comes lotusbliss with “Unwired”. With this unique and inspiring blend of melodies and lyrics, they speak us through the universal language that is music and give life to a wonderful tale. The track is absolutely wonderful and knows how to put a smile in our faces as it caresses our senses and reminds of the beauty of life. They embrace this unreal dose of unknown magic and make theirs to give us a chance to explore a soundscape so everlasting and pure.

There’s no denying that this track has it all to be not only a fan favorite but a breakthrough hit. So listen closely with me and dive into the world that awaits within this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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