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Listen: “Painting Over Bad Blood” by Danny Starr

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“Painting Over Bad Blood” by Danny Starr

The UK gives us a chance to enjoy another artist with a personal sound, say hello to Danny Starr and his latest single, “Painting over bad blood”. With this stunning and refreshingly captivating and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, he invites us to explore a world so human and raw. The track caresses our senses with such warm that you can’t help but find yourself connecting with it from start to end. His voice is charming and understands exactly what can be gifted to us listeners with the lyrics and manages to do exactly that.

There’s something about this musical experience that is quite personal yet inspiring and mesmerizing for us all as he brings us in and allows to be part of the story. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet and hypnotizing magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

This song was written inspired by some ongoing turbulent times within my family, with the last year being the most change-filled year I’ve lived. I’ve been hit by a series of unexpected and incomplete goodbyes (of many different kinds), and POBB is all about encapsulating the pain, sadness, and desire for “better” that comes with sudden loss, or an even more damaging back and forth.

It is also about identity, and how we layer up with new (often unimproved but different) versions of ourselves to defend against the true damage done to the original us.

Danny Starr

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Danny Starr